Announcing Tock 1.0: A stable ABI
The Tock team is happy to announce the first stable version of Tock, 1.0. Tock is an embedded operating system designed for running multiple concurrent, mutually distrustful applications on low-memory and low-power microcontrollers.
Talking Tock 28: Recapping the last couple months
This is the 28th post in a series tracking the development of Tock, a safe multi-tasking operating system for microcontrollers.
Modeling Threats on a 64 kB Computer
We just submitted the camera-ready (i.e. final version) of a paper we wrote detailing the design and implementation of Tock for SOSP (Symposium on Operating Systems Principles), one of the premier publication venues for operating systems research. You can read the full paper. I think it’s written accessibly enough for most people who follow the project to get something out of it.
Talking Tock 27: USB, safety bug fixes and more
This is the 27th post in a series tracking the development of Tock, a safe multi-tasking operating system for microcontrollers.
Compile-time Safety is for Everybody!
We just submitted the camera-ready version for a short paper on building kernels in Rust that will appear in APSys 2017 (Asia Pacific Workshop on Systems) next month. We’re really excited about to be able to share this paper because it clarifies some important misconceptions about our evaluation of Rust from our previous work.