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TockWorld 5

TockWorld 5 will take place at Northwestern University in Chicago on July 19th & 20th, 2022. Day 1 welcomes everyone to hear talks and participate in discussions. Day 2 also welcomes everyone, but will be organized around smaller group discussions focused on governance.

In addition to normal presentations on the development in and around Tock, this TockWorld will have focused discussions on the future of the Tock project and strategies for fostering a sustainable community around the project.


Ford Motor Company Engineering Design Center – Room 1.350
2133 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60201

There’s an entrance to the building on Sheridan road, and you’ll need to go up one floor to get to room 1.350.


There will be breakfast available both mornings, arriving sometime between 8:00 and 9:00 am. We’ll also have coffee, tea, snacks, and lunches on both days.

The lunch on the second day is boxed, so you can take it with you if you need to leave immediately. For anyone interested, we can go get dinner in downtown Evanston (a 15 minute walk away) on Tuesday evening at one or more places, depending on what food you want.



Time Topic Speaker
8:00 Breakfast  
9:30 State of Tock Amit & Hudson
10:45 Break  
11:00 OpenTitan Dom Rizzo (Virtual)
11:30 Teaching Tock Alexandru
12:00 Lunch  
13:00 Execution Bounds Hudson
13:30 Ti50 Alyssa
14:00 Repurposable Devices Brad
14:30 Break  
15:00 Development Focus Areas Lead: Brad
16:00 Break  
16:30 Community Development Lead: Amit


Time Topic
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Who is Tock for?
11:00 Project Governance
12:00 Lunch

Session details

State of Tock

Speakers: Amit & Hudson



Speaker: Dominic Rizzo

Teaching Tock

Speaker: Alexandru Radovic

Execution Bounds

Speaker: Hudson Ayers


Speaker: Alyssa Haroldsen

Repurposable Devices

Speaker: Brad Campbell


Discussions: Vision & Development Focus Areas

Discussion Groups

Community development

